Goal Achieved: 2011 in 2011

In 2010 I set the goal to ride 1500 miles, I fell short & only rode 13xx miles, so in 2011 my goal was to again ride 1500 miles, I busted that goal the last week of September, so i upped the ante to 2011 in 2011, knowing the next weekend I'd do 100 miles, so I'd only have 400 miles to go in 3 months, no prob, I'd continue commuting & doing longer weekend rides.

Then the time change. I think I managed 1 commute after that. I hate the time change...the sun sets way too early for this night owl & rises even earlier. I made a lame attempt to readjust my body, well, it didn't work.
But I was determined to still do it. Esp since after Gruene I had under 150 miles to go and 2 months to do it.
So I hopped on the bike when I could, 10 mile loops on the recovery route when I snuck out of work early, Weds night night rides w/ KPT & Victor when it was close to freezing--32.4 to said Victor's watch. Saturday rides on my own....

And eventually I was down to 15 miles to go.

The last ride wasn't epic like so many of the training rides had been (3 abreast, Lockhart & Luling, Donkeys & Downpours and The Love Shack) But it had it's moments.

It started out with MPB agreeing to ride w/ me. We needed a destination, so I chose 'Big Top Candy Shop' to spend my $50 in gift certificates I had received.

We set off and MPB's mouth starts complaining about being cold, then we turn on Shoal Creek & she complains about the mini-hill (note to self, she's not ready for some of the more fun routes, yet).

Finally at Big Top. At mile 3.5 I accidently reset the trip, so I think we are close to 7 miles, should put me within a trip around the block to reach my goal. We lock the bikes, go inside & quickly blow $50. MPB even shares a choc shake!

Back on the bikes to head home in the last 35 mins of light...(I hate the sun setting so early!) MPB's mouth starts going about the cold. It was cold, I offer my full fingered gloves, but she declines.. lucky me! I try to avoid the hills, but it's impossible. We opt for Bull Creek vs. Shoal Creek..gradual vs steep. We get to the turn for my street & I'm 1 mile shy, so I make a loop and end up at my house at 2011.1!

Not the most exciting ride, but it had its purpose. In 2 days I'll start working on the 2012 goal of 2012+

Miles for this ride: 15.1
Miles for the week: about 15.1
Total miles for the month: for December --53
Total miles for 2011: 2011.1 not including mtn bike rides
Miles to go: ?-511 to hit 1500 -0.1 to 2011
Odometer: 11821


getting closer

after the last 2 rides this weekend, I'm down to 15 miles!
Saturday the sun was out, so I set out to ride at least 20....
I headed north into the wind, burr it was still kinda cold!
Made it to Alison & Erwin's to drop off Christmas presents & judge them on the McDonald's Big Mac they were eating!

Also went w team Taco Deli & toured Christmas lights in the Balcones area. Great time riding & catching up w/ Kellie!

Miles for this ride: 23 + 9
Miles for the week: about 32
Total miles for the month: for December --38
Total miles for 2011: 1996 not including mtn bike rides
Miles to go: ??? to hit 1500 15 to 2011
Odometer: 11806


counting down

I've lost track of the miles in thr blog, but the odometer is what counts.
It's been rainy & cold, so not much riding.
When a Weds bootcamp was canceled, KPT, V & I decided to do an in town night ride. Thermometer said 45 as I was driving home, no problem, it's above 40!
Problem was I never warmed up! Usually my fingers get so hot in my full fingered gloves, so I made sure I took the partial fingere ones along...well, I carried them w/ me all night. Fingers never did get warm. We finally figured out the answer when V looked at his watch and said it was 32.6 degrees! burr!

Miles for this ride: 12
Miles for the week: about 18
Total miles for the month: for December --18
Total miles for 2011: ???? not including mtn bike rides
Miles to go: ??? to hit 1500 58 to 2011
Odometer: 11???


the longest 6.5 miles

I had not been on the bike in a while, weather was awful, but I had a free morning & wanted to put some fun between my legs (2 wheel fun). Having completed boot camp in a parking garage on Saturday, I decided to ride the garage.
Told Llama I was going to ride my bike and in a frantic voice she says "Kim it is RAINING!" Love how mom's can't stop being mom's!

Intentions were to do 10-15 miles...well....

After 3 laps I was bored and barely at 1.25 miles (you can get lost in a parking garage). Since the scenery kept repeating itself and was quite grey, I decided it was time for some math.

Typical scenery, I thought I was going to hit my head!

approx 1/2 a mile round trip
took about 3 mins 30 secs to do a loop
I completed about 13 laps
6.5 miles in 41 mins
Need to find a longer parking garage! the corners slowed me down

Miles for this ride: 6.5
Miles for the week: about 6.5
Total miles for the month: for December--6.5
Total miles for 2011: ??? lost track
Miles to go: ??? to hit 1500 ??? to 2011
Odometer: ???/


1900 and a marathon

I hit 1900 miles on 11/13/2011 during the 22 mile Rock n Roll Marathon inagural bike tour in San Antonio. I'm sure at the exacty 1900 miles I probably blew a snot rocket. Yes, I was sick and riding my bike, and we woke up at 4:30 to get to the starting line by 5:30 AM, but it was a more important day other than hitting 1900 miles on my bike and being the day before stroke day.

The day is important because Yungie will be completing his first marathon, a year after he ran his first 1/2 marathon!

When we finished the bikeride, Yung had only been running for 30 mins, so we ate, filled our water bottles & took off to find him at mile 10.

As we waited and cheered other runners on Yungie passed us by...we had to go find him, we rode on the course dodging runners to get to mile 13.
We found him!

Then we lost him again before mile 14, so we waited at mile 20 for him to come out of the loop. MB ran to Sonic for food and we saw Christie! Then about 1.5 hours later he appeared, beat and probably annoyed we were standing at the top of the hill cheering, so he ran up the hill.

From there on we leap frogged Yungie & about 10 other runners trying to make it to the finish. Each time we would stop, get off the bikes, pull out the cowbells and start cheering for 'red shirt guy', 'black shirt & red hat guy', 'polo shirt guy' and Elizabeth.

At one point we pulled over and bought a bunch of gatorade since the water stop had run out (I don't think they were planning on the temps hitting 86!) The runners were thankful.

Then the incident w/ Hector occurred. Hector had a friend riding next to him, but Hector decided he needed a break, thus he went and layed down in the shade. MB goes to check on things & once she realizes he is ok she asks, "did you train for this?" "Yes," Hector replies. "Well you better get up & finish because you don't want to have to do it again!" He agrees and gets up to start running again. But before he can pass the cheerleaders, MB has informed them that Hector needs a little encouragement, so as he's running by they are cheering "Let's go Hector!" We were glad to find out he finished, took him 7 + hours but he finished.

Finally we could see the legs of the dead armadillo (the Alamodome looks like a dead armadillo laying on its back w its legs up in the air...they do this when they die)

Yungie finished in 6:30, not the time he wanted, but he finished! It was a tough run. We hope he appreciated his Mobile Cheering Team, because we had fun cheering him and the surrounding others on and we are very proud of him!

Not only was it Yung's first marathon, it was MB's first long bike ride! Hope she joins ABCx in training next summer!
Miles for this ride: 36
Miles for the week: about 52
Total miles for the month: for November-- 116
Total miles for 2011: 1922 not including mtn bike rides
Miles to go: -422 to hit 1500 89 to 2011
Odometer: 11732


Tour de Gruene

One of my goals for 2011 was to ride the tour de Gruene since Phu told me it was her first ride & the reason she bought a bike.
At first KPT & I were going to do the 63 mile route, until we realized there wouldn't be much training before the ride, so we decided to just ride 45, I think that made Jorge very happy!

Morning of the ride, running late..ugh...temp 37, more ugh, very crowded (ugh) didn't realize this ride was going to be so popular.
Actually met up w/ all the ABCx crowd & ran into Jorge & Becky at registration, then Jorge passed me up at mile 7, I caught back up with him & we rode together to the next rest stop.
The ride was hillier than I thought, but I'd have to say I kicked it's butt, esp the last few hills! passed up several people and kept going, never having to get into the granny of all granny gears! whoo hoo!

Next time, though, I must go w KPT & make a day out of it!

Miles for this ride: 48.95
Miles for the week: about 64
Total miles for the month: for November-- 64
Total miles for 2011: 1867 not including mtn bike rides
Miles to go: -377 to hit 1500 133 to 2011
Odometer: 11677



Well, I surpassed my goal of 1500 miles and hit a new milestone again. I hit 1800 miles on Sunday!!!!

For the week I completed 2 full trips to work, or 4 one ways either from work to home or from home to work.

Then on Sunday since I was only 10 miles from 1800, I decided to go watch MB play kickball in E. Austin. Fun ride to E 12, I always like trying to figure out the route I'm going to take, think it keeps the mind sharp. Beautiful day for riding a bike.

Miles for this ride: 11.95
Miles for the week: about 50ish
Total miles for the month: for October-- over 200...
Total miles for 2011: 1802 not including mtn bike rides
Miles to go: -300 to hit 1500 209 to 2011
Odometer: 11612


Pedal Stroke

Back in September a fellow cyclist from the France trip sent me this link:
Interview w Karin Linner

of course while I'm reading it, I'm thinking, "darn it why didn't I know about this sooner!"

So I started following links to see how it was going and I ended up on the Pedal Stroke FB page and saw this post "Hi All and Thank you for your support! You must be wondering why I'm not on the road yet? Well.. we needed some more time to get funding, sponsors and plan my trip on the bike from Boulder to NYC better. So now I'm set to ride in May 2012. Yeah!!
Keep following me here in the meantime - continuing useful information and shenanigans guaranteed! =)" I can ride with her!!!! oh boy so many questions! How many miles a day? How fast? What can I help you with?

So, I liked her page on FB and sent her an email. and it looks like I will be riding w Karin at least part of the way! So wish I could go the entire distance but to go across one state or the width of Texas will be awesome, all while spreading stroke awareness!
Turns out Karin plans to ride about 50 miles a day, I can do that, now I'm just waiting to see the route to figure out where & when I will join her. And to keep riding my bike, esp in the cold, cuz May in the midwest isn't May in Texas!

Finally back on the bike... after a week off

I took a week off after the Mamma Jamma, and then the day I was supposed to ride, it rained 2" for the first time in months in Austin!
So that Monday I rode after work, worked on drills, then I did a BTH & BTW turn around on Weds/Thur or Tues/Weds followed by a full BTW day on the mountain bike. Of course the full day I only had to bike to Zilker, but carrying a drill, an extra battery & the charger made it interesting. And riding the mtn bike at 8 in the morning was so much diff than riding the road bike.

Since it was such a beautiful day, I decided to take the long way home and go home via the Shoal Creek Trail, besides it's always good to change up your routes.

On Saturday I road w/ ABCx, it was good to get together w everyone, we did 21 out & back on Parmer.

Then Sunday was a 13 mile ride w MB. First country road ride together, she did great and I'm looking forward to more rides w/ her!

Miles for this ride: 14.7 mtn bike to work, 20.5 ABCx, 13.01 MB
Miles for the week: 58
Total miles for the month: 154 (this one is hard to keep up with)
Total miles for 2011: 1696 not including mtn bike rides
Miles to go: -196 to hit 1500 304 to 2011
Odometer: 11505


Mamma Jamma "Century"

Well, the day finally arrived. After riding for 3+ months w/ all the Austin Bike Chix, this was finally their day to ride the Mamma Jamma. I think I was so excited for them that once again, I didn't sleep well. Wasn't too worried since I slept great on Weds & Thurs, but I knew I would be out of it.

We arrived at Reunion Ranch later than I wanted to, oh well, everyone from ABCx was pitching in to get everything set up, I wasn't worried.

The jersey's looked great! We could easily spot each other from across the field.

So cool so many ABCxers arrived early to send us off!

7:30, Great send off!

For some reason we stopped at the mile 11 pit stop...gotta do it when nature calls! KPT dropped her sunglasses into the port-a-pot, could have been so much worse--she was the only one to have used it! That was good for a few laughs!

We made it to mile 20 and ran into the Llama who was there to cheer us on & take pics! Thank you Llama!

We started playing the alphabet game around mile 4...just past Andice with the Babptist church...A...B...C...

In the 20's we started to split up as a group, Crystal powered on ahead. We lollygagged at the next rest stop again...only to find out we had 30 mins to go 10 miles to get to the century gate. Time to put it in the big ring! Dropped my back water bottle at mile 38 (said Alison), oh well, I didn't pay for it (thx Luna) but it was a favorite and I feel more bad that I littered. I think I also littered a couple of Luna bars...not a good day for Luna. Well, we finally arrived at 11:08 at the gate and some lady wearing a mask insisted we were too late, so we went on and both of us had already decided we were going to make up the miles, but how?

I think by now we are on letter k...

At mile 50 we turned around to double up on the miles. we added 10 miles on this one, thinking back, we should have gone to the rest stop on the 100 loop, but we were running low on fluids, so 6 miles to the mile 51 pit stop was necessary. Pit stop at mile 61 (51) on letter Q.

At mile 66 we turned right instead of left, and added on some more miles. Still on the letter q for most of the leg until we saw a mail truck w/ 'frequent' on it next to a cowboy on a quarter horse, since we were cheating the route, one cheat in the alphabet game was ok.

At the last pit stop we ran into Crystal. Amazingly we were on the same mileage! After the motherly SAG wanted to haul us in (course closes at 3:30--all other info said 4) we decided to leave.

Now we were still looking for U, I finally could read an underground cable sign. We pass up 4 riders during the last 11 miles! Yes, not last! on one of the last corners all the SAG drivers were cheering for us! Nice welcome, but nothing compared to the welcome received at the finish! VERY COOL! Especially the wall of yellow & green from ABCx! Kristen's face shows how wonderful it was (mine was tired and trying not to run into people in front of me, but I was beaming inside!

Once finished we were at 95.82...time for a lesson in rounding and priorities, go ride 4.18 more miles to get to 100 or drink the cold beer that was handed to me?
(I chose beer!)

859 MILES and raised over $8,500!!!

And if you are wondering, once we exited 45th and we were still looking for X, found it, so we had to circle back to mopac and exit for Y, then drive to Gullett Elem to get Z!

Miles for this ride: 95.82 a MJ 'Century'
Miles for the week: 107
Total miles for the month: 95.82 (this one is hard to keep up with)
Total miles for 2011: 1634
Miles to go: -134 to hit 1500 377 to 2011
Odometer: 11444


19 cattle guards, 2 bucks and a rusted tin roof.

The last long ride before the MJ was supposed to be short and hilly, it had long uphills, nothing too quad wrenching, which was nice but at the same time disappointing, I wanted to see how strong I was.

We went down 165 and looped around on loop 165 which meant we crossed at least 10 Cattle guards. My back water bottle was casualty to one of the crossings--think it was #4.

Really cool rock walls everywhere. I'm sure they have many stories to tell.

The only water stop is at Mt. Gainer Inn...they allowed us to use the hose attached to the outside wall. They had some of the coolest fossils. As we were leaving MGI, I hit 1500 miles for the year, goal accomplished...now to raise it to 2011 miles in 2011.

Since there weren't any restrooms for us to use, so the cedar trees helped us on the way back to the route. I can say that was the prettiest place I have taken a pit stop in 2011.

The next 15 miles the hills were long. On one long downhill, we had two 10+ point bucks running along the 10ft tall fence for about 1/4 a mile like they wanted to play with us. Too bad I couldn't get a pic.

We decided when we do the ride again, we need to drop off a cooler that is painted in camouflage.

My back light was a casualty at cattle guard #19. I did learn that the faster you go over them, the less bumpy they are.

Mile 40 we came across the coolest old house, we named it the "Love Shack" cuz of it's rusty tin roof. Once inside, we soon realized it could never contain a party. There was a cool fireplace, a very rusty bed frame, a shelf of artifacts and very thin & wobbly boards on the floor!

Overall an awesome ride & one that will be repeated, hopefully in the spring with wildflowers! Question of the day has to be: "how do you build a rock wall?"

Miles for this ride: 46
Miles for the week: 79
Total miles for the month: 384 (this one is hard to keep up with)
Total miles for 2011: 1527
Miles to go: -27 to hit 1500 484 to 2011
Odometer: 11336


Donuts, donkeys & downpours

As per most early, rise before the chickens, Saturday rides, this one started off with 2 breakfast tacos and a donut from Mi Victoria Bakery.

Then off to San Marcos to ride 68 miles. Nice to ride with another group that has put together the ride and maps and even provided SAG, but G&L still provide the best SAG. Pretty cool how up until this year I had never rode near San Marcos and Lockhart, but the majority of these summer rides have been out that way!

One must always stop at these types of photo ops!

Then further down the road on the way to Fentress (yet another 'town' I had never been to before these rides & now I've been there twice). We ran across a group of miniature donkeys.

Back at the outlet mall on mile 68, KPT & CJ want to do another 19 mile loop, I'll settle for 3.5 out & back. Yes folks, that is a rain cloud!

And yes, we road the last 2 miles in it! What a downpour! I thought it was wonderful, KPT on the other hand was not impressed.

Miles for this ride: 74
Miles for the week: 110
Total miles for the month: 305 (ths one is hard to keep up with)
Total miles for 2011: 1443
Miles to go: 57 to hit 1500 (think I'll reset my goal to 2011 miles for 2011!)
Odometer: 11254


69 on Saturday Morning

In my continuing efforts to train for the Mamma Jamma ride, ABCx went to ride the Creedmoor Cruise. I've heard many bike groups riding to Creedmoor, so I was excited to finally get this one under my belt.

As with the all the early morning rides, it started with a fuel stop at Mi Victoria bakery...2 potato & egg tacos on corn tortillas and a donut each...MV really needs to raise their prices as all the above plus a coke was under $6 or maybe they need a gringo price list or a Hispanic discount.

Got to Williams elementary right at 7...had to laugh at KPT for putting on her arm warmers and another lady had on a jacket, but it was kinda cool--68 degrees. I'm going to have to get some cool weather gear since it looks like I will be training a lot this winter! So excited about Pedal Stroke, nervous, too. More on PS later.

As we rode towards Creedmoor, we went past the Texas Disposal's landfile & ranch. I started thinking about the last time I was out here and it was for the NARI party in 2007...then it dawned on me that was the night before I stroked. I kinda freaked out a bit, not anything big but had one of those moments where I questioned the whole stroke thing and that the last time I was on the road, I was 'normal.' Normal to me in terms of stroke means my left arm & hand didn't have to struggle. Then I started thinking what all I've accomplished since I stroked: walk again, run, ride bikes, new job, started ABCx after Luna folded, and the list could go on. So, quit thinking about your little problems typing and go on.

By mile 11 we were on our second potty stop...not a good sign, but at least it wasn't the same person each time.

Uh oh...not another detour! This one wasn't too bad, but still laughing that KPT thought the ground would be muddy! Right, with all .04 inhes of rain since July 1!

Next stop was Lytton Springs, awesome little grocery store w/ a frisky owner. She was giving us a hard time about not having any of the guys w/ us. Every customer who came in commented about us riding. Then when they were talking to the owner, she was always laughing! What a life!

Now on to Lockhart, this was probably our strongest leg of the ride...nice empty road, not too many cracks or hills (ok, one sharp hill near the end) kinda cool to have made it to Lockhart via bike twice this summer!

Near Niederwald, mile 46, Crystal had mechanical issues, a sign of things to come? Water bottle readjusted, chain back on and we were soon off the bumpy road.

The drought has caused the asphalt to crack. Some cracks are tiny and others are given the nick name of the Grand Canyon. One Grand Canyon already caused one cyclist to get bucked off her bike, no serious injuries or issues to the bike.

Then there was the crack a bit bigger than the width of my tire that was in my line and appeared out of nowhere. Somehow I managed to steer the front tire away,I screamed but the back wheel went down, and boom went the tire! I went into the traffic lane, thank goodness no cars, stopped and looked at my wheel. Amazingly the rim wasn't bent, but there was a dime sized hole in my new tire. I remember Brad talking about using a coke can, then KPT mentioned a dollar bill...much easier.

Amazingly it held! for the last 12 miles!

Once in the parking lot, I was at 68.79 miles or close to that, time for laps...had to end at that 69!

Miles for this ride: 69
Miles for the week: 81
Total miles for the month: 195 (ths one is hard to keep up with)
Total miles for 2011: 1333
Miles to go: 167to hit 1500!
Odometer: 11143


Ride w/ the Wind!

What do you do when there is a 20+ mph wind coming from the north and you need a bike ride...you do what all smart cyclists should do...you drive your car North 30 miles and head south with the wind to your back!
So after picking up tacos & donuts at Mi Victoria, we drove to my Uncle Elmer's place near Georgetown to park the cars. It was so very thoughtful of them to leave the garage door unlocked so we could access the restroom.
for the first 5 miles on FM 3405 we averaged 15 mph, took us 20 mins to get to Parmer (Ronald Reagan Blvd that far north)
OOnce on Parmer w th winds to our backs, we flew! First hill I went up it going 17 mph, in the big ring, second bigger hill went up it at 12 mph...I hope this pace can continue...tried to stay in the big ring the entire ride, but on the next few hills had to bail out of it (think the wind shifted ;-))

Kristen felt we could do the ride in 1.5 hours, so I had a goal to beat.
Total saddle time was 1 hr 28 mins, total time from place to place was 1:33 or so...we only hit 3 stop lights!

Averaged 18.9 mph for the entire ride, later that night I figured out the speed along Parmer to Alison's and it was 20 mph ! woo hoo!

Miles for this ride: 27
Miles for the week: 27
Total miles for the month: 114
Total miles for 2011: 1252
Miles to go: 248 to hit 1500!
Odometer: 11061

San Marcos River Ride

Another ABCx bike ride in San Marcos complete w dove hunters,( when they would shoot it sounded like a tire blowing out), a flat, a wrong turn that lead us to a plethora of bail bonds businesses, the last 15 miles we had the pleasure of riding into a 15 mph wind coming from the north! But it was on a paved road. After the ride a quick jump into the San Marcos river (72 degrees ) to cool off!

Finally saw the sun rise!

One of about 8 Bail Bonds Places (wonder if they would sponsor us?)

cool pic on the wrong turn:

Best part of the ride was we didn't get yelled at for riding 3 abreast! (we never do...but they thought we did)
Miles for this ride: 57
Miles for the week: 87
Total miles for the month: 87
Total miles for 2011: 1225
Miles to go: 275 to hit 1500!
Odometer: 11034 close to 7734!


Hotter n Hell BBQ Ride

The Austin Bike Chix wanted to do a long ride together, Kellie suggested going to Zedler's Mill in Luling.
5:30 AM, hours before the sun rises we met to drive to Luling. Once in Lockhart, we dropped off Georgian & Leigh's car, met up w/ Kellie & Theresa and continued to Luling.

A very friendly cop kept us from taking a nature pee, but he did take a group picture and let us know we could call 911 if we needed help. I'm sure he drove back by to see if we made it back.

So, we rode into Luling to answer nature's call then left for Fentress. Nice wide shoulder on the road, fairly smooth roads, too (I can't ever complain cuz they were pavement!)
Quick stop in Fentress, then off via backroads to Martindale. As soon as we turned onto the backroad, there was a sign that read "Pavement Ends" "Oh no" I thought, "not again!" but thankfully it was a sign they had not taken down for when they just paved (chipsealed) the road. Great country road. G & L hasd a flat, so for a moment I just stood there and listed to the silence, no I didn't break into S & G's "Sound of Silence"

Several cute small towns on the road.

Made it to Martindale for another stop. Somewhere before Martindale i hit 1100 miles, at the time I thought it was 1200, but apparently, I can't add (shhh, don't tell anyone I taught math! and i will use the excuse that the heat got to my brain and messed w my addtion capabilities!)

Martindale to Lockhart was awesome, one little climb, then it was downhill the rest of the way! Plus, a nice wide shoulder to ride on.

Lockhart has a really cool Courthouse.

Picked up some items for the back 20 and the finish. Then it was off to finish the ride.

G & L provided a wonderful SAG service for us! Yes they are the best SAG team EVER! (they paid me to write that) However, they truly did provide a wonderful service...ice cold water, gatorade and dog blocking service.

The temp rose to 105 by the time we finished.
My heat rash came back. Apparently this happens to others who wear Pearl Izumi shorts, too...weird.

A quick jump into the river by Zedler's Mill, then to Luling for BBQ! That is Leigh jumping in!

Miles for this ride: 56
Miles for the week: 82
Total miles for the month: over 350
Total miles for 2011: 1138
Miles to go: 362 to hit 1500!
Odometer: 10946 (it rounds and I round the other stats thus the difference)


GAGA 2011

So there was a family reunion scheduled at my cousins house on the day I needed to do a long ride...with little bit of planning I figured I could pull it off.
Mom was ok w me riding there by myself once she found out I wouldn't be on 290, but I was wishing others could go w me, too.
Somehow I managed to talk MAD and KPT into going, also, thus the need for the second A in GAGA, the Great Austin to Giddings Adventure!

MAD dropped off a change of clothes w my mom on Thurs night. Friday KPT drove her car to Giddings on Friday, then took the bus back to Austin, an adventure in itself.
I drove my car to my mom's Friday night, gave her my stuff, realized my bike rack wouldn't fit on mom's car, so we would have to take them apart. Alison picked me up and took me home. Everything should be set. of course I woke up and remembered I forgot to get the cool ties to cool us down, oh well, we will live w/out them.

6:30 AM, MAD and I left the house in the dark to go fuel up at Mi Victoria bakery, surprisingly we beat KPT to the donuts! A donut and 2 breakfast tacos later and we are on the road!

8:55 AM in Elgin (27 miles), I think we must have taken longer at Mi Victoria than planned or I waited until I sent mom a text. Now for the roads we had never ridden on before, this should be exciting! Old McDade hwy, 'chased' by only 2 dogs luckily none of them got to close and didn't chase long!

The Old McDade Hwy ended into 290 at a section where cars were going 75 mph and there wasn't a shoulder to safely ride on. So time to put the second A in GAGA in place! We could see the sign for the turn, and there was a dirt road to get there! Road bike turns into mountain bike where's a cycle-cross bike when you need one? I was soon taking a hike w/ the bike cuz of the sand!

Well, at the end of the shortcut, we saw the road we needed to take--it was caliche (white hard packed dirt) that had just been covered with oil, but it soon went to pavement and we cruised on into the metropolis of McDade at 10:00 AM

McDade has an original strip mall complete with a saloon and a leathergoods place, all of which were closed on a Saturday morning. Maybe next time we can stop on the way back and see if the saloon is open.

After spending way too much time in McDade we headed down Old Hwy 20 to Paige. Well, about 15 mins into the ride, we run out of pavement.
Time to consult the phone...Paige is 6 miles away via Old Potato road and 290 (scary). So time to mountain bike w/ the road bike again! The second A in GAGA continues! The caliche wasn't too bad. The Caliche wasn't too bad.

But the red dirt and washboards turned us into bobbleheads on a bike.
MAD is 50 ft ahead of me cussing and KPT is 50-75 ft behind me dropping F & S bombs as her head and neck turn into a bobble head doll! I start giggling at them and at the @$$ chewing I will receive once we are finished "Kim, I knew I should have 'reconned' the road on my way to Giddings yesterday." and who knows what MAD would have said. Then I had this vision of them in a nursing home talking about bike adventures and bringing up the one 'where Kim wanted us to ride to her family reunion and we had to ride 5 miles on the dirt road!' I was giggling so much I almost had tears rolling down my dusty cheeks. At one pint we road past the site for some renaissance festival, one would think they would have appreciated a paved road, but no. And parts of the road were still paved...patches about 3 ft x 8 ft (what a tease) and you would look up the road and the red dirt would end, but no it was just an illusion and the white caliche was still there mocking us and our 8 mph stretch of bumpy road, I'll never complain about pot holes again, cuz at least pot holes are usually an indication there is pavement! Kristen was just a tad bit happy to see pavement!

Once at the Whoop Stop in Paige, mile 47, 11:30 AM (30 mins later than anticipated) we refueled (Moon Pies have no flavor, btw), kinda put on sunscreen (missed the upper arms), then headed off to Old Hwy 20...

After 1/4 mile of Old Hwy 20, we meet up w/ our new friend the caliche road! KPT stops and says she's not going on that way, MAD agrees, so we head back into Paige and go to the Yarnorama ...the playground for the fiber obsessed. MAD & I walk in and looks like there are 2 hippies teaching a weaving class. We get a strange look (was it the spandex? the helmet? or the leftover moon pie on the face?) and I ask if I can interrupt to ask a question about the road. It was confirmed that Old Hwy 20 is dirt from there on out. They don't even offer a different route or seem concerned...too much funny smokes or non Texan or both?
Once Outside KPT informs us that the 290 shoulder is better. I decide to call my cousin and see if she knows a different route. I call her home and her mother in law answers, the one who had given me answers about the condition of the county roads. When I tell her where we are and that Old Hwy 20 was dirt, she said, "Well Honey, you didn't ask me about that one!" Needless to say, she was able to give us an easier way to get to my cousins house--only 2 major turns!

So off to the FM road to the right of the Chevron as you face 290. Well, there is a line of cars waiting for the pilot car to take them thru the road. The road was freshly chipsealed and they were still packing one side. The flagger let us go through, "just watch out for the heavy machinery."

No drafting on this road unless you want to take the chance of rocks hitting you in the face!

After passing a burned area, several sweepers and other machinery, the chipseal ended and we got to turn on the road to Serbin.
Finally Serbin, a very small town with a historical marker. only a few more turns to go. We arrived at Camp Tejas, the map I had said the house was before the camp, so I call my cousin again, this time her father in law answers, he tells us we have 1/2 a mile to go.
We can see the white pipe fence he was talking about and there is a sharp hill to climb. MAD stands up and starts chanting something about beer! Needless to say she makes it up the hill first. We see the ranch and our welcome sign "The GAGA ends here!" that my cousin's daughter made, so of course we had to take pictures by the sign.

At the same time my relatives started gathering on the front driveway cheering for us and taking pictures! Wouldn't you know it, it was 1/4 mile of dirt road to get to the house!

After having our picture taken several times, we take off most of the bike gear, grab a cold lonestar and head inside to go jump in the pool, but we are stopped by the buffet of goodies on every horizontal surface that we must taste!
Finally the pool!

Maybe next time we will just call the ride the GAG and consult Carolyn (cousin's mother in law) about all the road conditions.

And hanging w/ the family was just as fun as the GAGA!

Miles for this ride: 65
Miles for the week: 99
Total miles for the month: over 300
Total miles for 2011: 1018
Miles to go: 482 to hit 1500!
Odometer: 10827 (it rounds and I round the other stats thus the difference)