Mamma Jamma 2012

Livestrong & Mamma Jamma were similar rides, yet completely opposite & only a week apart!
Both were fundraising rides for cancer, MJ focuses more on breast cancer & serving local patients.
LS was held downtown while MJ was at a ranch in Georgetown.
LS had 4,000 participants, MJ had maybe 400.
LS has an organization running it, MJ is a homegrown grassroots effort.
But  the main difference had to be the temperature, it was 47 in Georgetown at the time of the start, probably 75 in Austin when LS started.

Beautiful sunrise to start the day! I finally saw one! I feel that when attending all these early morning rides, I have yet to see a beautiful sunrise, I was either driving west or it was cloudy.

The Chix met at our tent which was supplied by MJ for raising at least $10,000, we also received an ice chest full of beverages.

Kellie & Nancy decorated their helmets, we were set to ride!
The obnoxious riders w cable ties on their helmets!

The 70 milers took off at 8:00.Jerry, Maureen & Jonathan all were riding 70. I signed up for the 70, but decided to ride w the big group this year, I felt like I missed out on the fun last year by doing the century.

 So now it was time for the 45 milers to ride.

 Poor Pam's legs had to be cold, I told her they looked like my chickens when molting.

Right before we were about to leave, my dslr camera battery died, the backup wouldn't recharge, so I ended up carrying a dead camera the entire time, bummer cuz I wanted to take pics.
Ride Kellie & Leslie!

Ride Pam, Ride!

The fields were so yellow!

Before I knew it we were at the lunch rest stop, great Mardi Gras theme. We ate, stripped off a layer of clothing, then went on to finish the ride.

Dianne, Maggie & Pam at lunch.
Finally showing the 2012 colors!
Playing chicken w the photographer in the middle of the road.

I rode the last 22 miles w Grenita & Angela, getting to know them more & encouraging them through the hills & wind. I had to stop at least 4 times to adjust the camera bag.
 We skipped the last rest stop & ended up leap frogging some of the ABCxers.
Once at the finish we received our medals & hugs from friends, then waited for Pam to finish.
 Pam rode in to the applause of some of her high school friends who drove in to see her finish. Three years ago Pam was diagnosed with breast cancer, never did she imagine that she could ride her bike for 45 miles, but she did & she lived to talk about it. I'm thinking she'll be doing 70 next year!
Pam & her daughters.
What a smile!

After the ride we had a beer or 2 and soaked up some sun while eating BBQ, then one of the training ride leaders comes over to tell us she just got engaged! What a way to finish the day!
In all, Austin Bike Chix raised over $14,000 $19,000 (I just received an extremely generous donation!!I'm still in awe and thrilled at the support, you never know who you will meet) to help Central Texans cope w/ having breast cancer. Incredible work, team!

Total miles for this ride: 43.95
Total miles for the month of October: 437.71 (most this year)
Total miles for 2012: 2772.22
Miles to go:  -760.22  miles til 2012!!
Cross: 1328
Notes: longest road ride on the cross bike, yet.

LiveSTRONG 2012

Sunday was my 5th time to participate in one of Lance's rides--Ride for the Roses or the Livestrong Challenge.


In 1999 I rode in my first charity bike ride, The Ride for the Roses. The Ride for the Roses first started out with Lance & his buddies racing through Central Texas on Valentine's day. The first one to finish was awarded roses to take home to his wife or girlfriend. 1999 was the first Ride for the Roses after Lance won the Tour de France that summer. It would be my first road bike "race' as so many like to call it, but in reality it's just a ride, no one is racing, but some are trying to get to the finish faster.

Ed, Marianne & I were doing the 50 mile route. I had been training, slowly worked my way up to 35 miles, so 50 would be my longest ride to date. I had just bought my road bike earlier that summer.

There's 4 things I fondly remember from the ride that day:
  1. I learned  you weren't supposed to wear underwear w your bike shorts, I found this out from observation not from getting a sore in my hoo ha area. 
  2. I killed a big hill at the end of the ride, and had to wait for Ed & Marianne (think this is when I fell in love w/ climbing hills) 
  3. I was passed by some pros, the sound their bikes made when flying past me will forever be in my mind.
  4. At the end of most rides, they serve cold BEER & it's usually free or very cheap.


I can't remember if I rode in 2000-2003, but I know I rode the Ride for the Roses in 2004. That was the year Diane & I decided to ride 70 and the ride would not end. I flatted at mle 15, Yungie was SAG & he helped w the changing of the tube & more importantly the air. The hand pump broke while trying to add more air. We continued to ride w no issues except that the ride would never end. It ended up being 74 miles, only ride I can remember that went more than a mile over its intended mileage. I do remember Lance making a big presentation & lots of 'stars' being there--Will Ferrel, Robin Williams. I think you had to raise $250 to ride.

 Diane, the best work out buddy ever!

We ran across Lynne somewhere out east.

The Llama volunteering at a rest stop.


Then in 2005 I rode w Yung & Pete. It was Yung's first big ride & he raised a lot of $ for LAF (Lance Armstrong Foundation as it was known for back then). Think you had to raise $250 to ride.

 Not sure why I don't remember much about this ride, I do remember Pete & I seeing Alex from Mix 94.7 on the 50 mile route way ahead of where he should have been (he was supposed to ride the 100) we argued for a bit about if it was him or not, I found out on Monday that he did bail on the 100, what a wuss.


 In Aug of 2007 when Diane's  father in law died of melanoma, we decided that I would fly into Philly & we would do the LiveSTRONG challenge. Little did I know that when I made that promise that I'd have a stroke 3 months later. But in true Kim fashion I kept to my word. I 'trained' for the ride, the most I rode prior to it was 35 miles on a fairly flat road. I was using the 50% training plan, if you can ride 1/2 the ride day distance , then you can do the full distance on ride day. I did it, but it was painful!
Pennsylvania has hills! And the route was strategically set up so you would go up a hill, then on your way downhill you would turn right and go up another hill. I ended up walking 2-3 hills, D got a huge muscle spasm in her right quad, but that didn't stop her & neither did losing use of her back gears. We eventually finished and thankfully Brad & the kids were waiting for us w/ beer!


Let's see about a month prior the USADA announced it was stripping Lance of all his wins at the TdF, But the UCI hadn't made its call what it would do, in the meantime, Lance resigned from the LiveSTRONG board.. While waiting we were debating if Lance would make an appearance.
Well he did appear and briefly spoke. Which I'm sure took a lot of guts.

 I'm personally still in shock over all of this. Not sure what to think. I just went to the TdF website and under history, there is nothing from 1999-2008.
 So, they just removed all those years? or is it temporary as they rewrite the info, only time will tell. Will Phil & Paul be able to mention his name during the broadcasts? Do I feel duped? Yes. Do I feel lied to, kinda. I always had a good feeling he was doping and they just didn't have the tests to detect it, but I also knew he trained more than the other cyclists and was pretty damn obsessed about the sport. Were other cyclists doping, I'm almost 100% sure of that. I'm not going to say anything profound here, just my pitally thoughts going thru my head.
Was the investigation wrong? I don't know, why do we even have the USADA, who funds that? If they really want to catch the cheaters, then maybe the $ should be spent on developing a better test...I'm sure $1,000,000 to some random scientist would be $ better spent. Do I care if athletes dope, not really. Should the gov't be wasting time & money on doping athletes? NO. Is the evidence worthy of eliminating his winds? I don't know. If they rely on the tests and those all are negative, then isn't that the evidence?  I mean if a friend testifies that I robbed a bank 13 years later, yet there's no other evidence, no one was injured, can I still face charges?
Since my t-shirts & cap declare him winners of 6 & 7 tours respectively, will those get destroyed, too? What do I do with them?I have a Team Discovery jersey signed by a bunch of guys who doped. Looks like you can get some cheap jerseys off ebay, but the ones w autographs are a bit pricier. One guy is selling his entire collection--magazines, jerseys, posters, hats, watches....bid is at $100. And then my best friend named her son after him...yikes, we haven't even scratched the surface on that topic.

Does Austin rename the Lance Armstrong Bikeway? If we do, then do we also rename Willie Nelson Blvd., he's been convicted of tax fraud & smoking dope? Will I continue to wear my LiveSTRONG bracelet, probably, I'm still 100% behind LiveSTRONG.

What it all comes down to too much is placed on athletes to win & apparently they will do anything in order to win.It is really sad. Is this the kinda pressure that is also placed on teachers & students to pass the standardized tests (I'm reaching here, but you know there is cheating going on) What if there were huge bonuses for teachers to get their kids to pass, would more cheating take place? Why is everything in the US so $ focused?

So, enough about that shit, what happened happened, it was a great story, but all the files have been deleted.

The 2012 LiveSTRONG challenge. I had wanted to do the century, I had never completed a LS century, always did the middle to longer distance.

But come game time we were riding into 15 mph winds and it wouldn't be letting up until mile 70.
Ran into Lisa B at the rest stop at mile 22, very cool rest stop put on by Dell, they were a Biker Bar theme.

At mile 36, the decision point,  my shoulder was already hurting, the wind was still blowing, and it less than 30 miles to beer, decision made!

 Though I would have loved to ride w the 3 doing their first century. Taking the easy way out seems to be a theme of mine w bike riding lately, stopped 11 miles short of doing all of the Katy, only riding 45 in the Mamma Jamma ride and didn't do the century for LiveSTRONG, am I getting old? smart? just taking the easy way out? Either way, I'm not going to dwell on it, maybe it will give me a goal for next year, but wouldn't it have been cool to say I rode 450+ miles in October. Oh well.
On the last stretch a SUV was pulled over & handing out cold Shiner beer, the unofficial rest stop was called "Not  dead yet"

At the finish, I ate while Kristen went to move her car. Then we found the beer tent. They weren't taking beer tickets. thus we could have more than one and we took advantage of it! SCORE!!

While on our fourth beer, Victor & Kellie rode in, while running out to meet them Leslie came in! I was so proud of them for finishing! It was a tough ride & definitely a memory making century that included riding into the wind, temperature hitting 90 & a 16% grade hill at mile 50!

Total miles for this ride:66.02
Total miles for the month of October: 372.72
Total miles for 2012: 2707.23
Miles to go:  -695.23  miles til 2012!!
Road: 13103


Bike Katy Trail Day 6

Woke up feeling a bit better but still groggy. Ate 1/2 a bagel, had decided at that time I would catch a ride w Bill to St. Charles and then bike back to meet everyone. Kinda bummed, but it would be for the better, cuz I was not feeling 100%.
Went back to bed & thought about things. Since the bagel didn't have any negative affects on me, I got back up & decided to give the ride a try, worse thing that could happen was I crapped in my pants & Bill had to come pick me up. So I ate the remainder of the bagel and got dressed to ride.

Today was definitely the most crowded we have seen the trail. Near Matson we came across a bunch of middle schoolers out for a walk and when I say a bunch, I mean at least 2 bus loads.

Then in the next town (Defiance) we came across another bus load but these kids were on bikes.

The leaves continued to change & cover the trail.
This way view for most of the day, notice the 2 specs up ahead, that's Kristen & Victor. Thank you Amanda for letting me draft off you, especially when we hit the windy areas.

When we arrived in St. Charles, the trail took us thru the industrial section. looked like they were getting dirt from the river.

Met up w Kristen, Victor & Bill, decided to go into the old town & eat. It was then we decided we were finished, no need to go the additional 11 miles to Machens, time to order beer & food, then check out St. Charles.

Cheers! Great job Everyone!

St. Charles was cute!

My trusty bike getting a much needed rest.

It was just a little bit dirty and some leaves hitched a ride w me.

Time to head back to Clinton. Amanda & I get to ride in the back of the truck! Fun!

What a great trip! Sad to see it end, will definitely be doing something like this again!

Love this map of the Katy Trail, shows that we really did almost ride all the way across Missouri. BTW, google map says that from Kansas City to St. Louis it is 248 miles, so had we gone to Machens we would have gone all the way across.

Augusta to St. Charles
Towns we passed by: Matson, Defiance, Weldon Spring
Time in saddle: 4 hours 41 mins
Miles for today's ride: 28.51
Total miles for the Katy Trail: 239.05
Total miles for 2012: 2632.15
Miles to go:  -620.15  miles til 2012!!



Bike Katy Trail Day 5

Kristen cooked an amazing breakfast--breakfast tacos w hash browns. Very tasty!

With Bill (Kristen's dad) following us, we could travel light, for me that meant the front camera bag & the 'flat' bag w tubes & CO2.

We rode down the hill to hit the trail & find a coffee shop or something. Unfortunately the breakfast or something else didn't agree w my head & stomach. Took 3 ibuprofen and hopped back on the bike.

Stopped at the statue to take some "cheers" pics.

Over the bridge and through the woods on our bikes to Augusta we must go.

The trees were still changing, definitely more leaves on the trail. Janice & Bob said they saw 19 snakes the other day, we've only seen 2 live snakes.

More farm country today. Always makes me wonder about GMO crops & what the farmer really thinks about them, does he feel duped? Is he making more $?Less? More  or less frustrated? Or how many of these fields are owned by big food giants who are sleeping w/ Monsanto?

This town looked cute, but according to other bikers, they were out of food, also.

Once in Augusta, the couple we met in Hartsburg that wouldn't shut up, were right-- it was uphill to our cabin, but everything in Augusta was up hill in one way or another.

Finally saw some sort of boat, wonder if the river was too low?

Cabin was cute, but cold, Kristen & I searched for several minutes for the heater/thermostat, only to have Amanda walk in and go right up to the thermostat & turn on the heat! Kristen & I definitely were good lookers, poor finders.

We went out to eat at some restaurant, I didn't make it through dinner, ate 1 chicken tender then went back to the cabin & crawled into bed, 3 blankets, a space heater and about 2 hours later I was finally warm.

I heard they had a great fire outside, so bummed I missed out on that. There also was some local wine. Seriously, I can go all year without getting sick, but I go on vacation and I get sick. Not fair.

Hermann to Augusta
Towns we passed by: Treloar, Marthasville, Dutzow
Time in saddle: 4 hours 41 mins
Miles for today's ride: 37.39
Total miles for the Katy Trail:210.54
Total miles for 2012: 2589.35
Miles to go:  -577.35  miles til 2012!!
