Short but adventurous ride w J3

Sunday I had a short but adventurous ride w my favorite riding buddy, J3.
He wanted to go geocaching, so Onn(Llama) brought his bike down from Temple.

I decided he needed his birthday presents early (though I was impressed that he was wearing a "CYSMNY-'can you see me now yellow' t-shirt so cars would see him!)

Off went went in search of the 3 geocaches. We took the long way to avoid 45th street, I'll ride it but figure my sister would kill me if she knew J3 was riding on it.

First geocache was an easy find. We left Parker the WV bear travel bug for someone else to pick up and grabbed a Tigger TB to take to San Angelo, Yay more geocaching w/ J3!

Onward to the second cache, we had 2 hills to ride up. J3 was in the wrong gear on hill #1 but made it successfully on hill #2. The second cache was a home for Chimney Swift, we quickly found it then made our way out of the hood to find the 3rd cache.

Decided to park & lock up the bikes & walk to the cache. I think J3 liked where it was hidden--it was one of the light pole caches where you have to lift up the box. After signing the log we took the long way back to the bikes. On the way to the parking lot by dps, I saw a Car2Go, I haven't ever used one & decided J3 would love the concept, so I pulled up the Car2Go app & we 'geocached'  to the car. Once there, I waved my card over the sensor, the doors soon opened &  we were on our way. I had the car in too low of a gear & we were quickly passed on Bull Creek. Of course J3 had all sorts of questions:
J3: Can I sit in the front seat?
Me: You don't have much of a choice, just put your seatbelt on & don't tell your mom  J3: Do you know whose car this is?
Me: It's a rental car, if you see one on the street, you can swipe your card & borrow it J3: How much does it cost?
Me:  38 cents a minute or $14 an hour.
J3: not bad
J3: where are we going.
Me: Home
J3: what about our bikes?
Me: We'll take my car  to go get them on the way to meet Onn (aka Llama) for dinner.
J3:  How many minutes is it to Cheddars?
Me: about 15
J3: that's not too many, can we take the Car2Go?
Me: (thinking to myself) 'oh no, how do I explain the boundaries to him?'
Me: If we take the car past a certain street we have to keep paying for it even if we don't drive it.
J3: oh, that would cost too much money, we'll drive your car.
Me: you're smart
J3: Look, someone left their credit card here.
Me: No, that's so we can fill up gas if we need to.
J3: Cool.
J3: Where are we going to park it?
Me: right here, near the house.
J3: Then what happens?
Me: We log off and if someone needs the car, they come get it.
J3: How long will that take?
Me: (guessing)it will be gone by morning?
J3: Really
Me: Yeah
J3: When can we drive one again?
Me: next time you come to Austin, we'll take a bus downtown, geocache, then drive a Car2Go back home.
J3: cool

Love that kid!

Now if only I worked downtown I too could become slackless!

Total miles for this ride:3.12
Total miles for the month of November:33.26
Total miles for 2012: 2808.6
Miles to go:  -796.6  miles til 2012!!
Cross: 1352

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