Rosedale Ride

The 18th annual Rosedale Ride was Saturday. This ride benefits the local special needs school. I've only riden it one other time, 2010, it has a reputation for being very windy.

Since many of the ABCxer's signed up, I did, too. Weather.com had predicted a sunny windfree day. For the most part it was windfree, but the sun didn't make an appearance until after the ride.

All the turns were staffed by teachers who were dressed up, costumes ranged from Hot Dogs to the Desparate Housewifes. Each turn made me smile.

43 miles on the bike, not bad considering the most I've riden has been 28. Next weekend with the Spokes & Spurs will be the test--hills.

Most of us: Kellie, Nancy, Joy, Leslie 7 i rode the 43, Kristen & Victor rode 60!

Miles for this ride: 43.5
Minutes on the bike: 180
Miles so far for the week: 69.1
Total miles for the month: for March 103.36
Total miles for 2012: 383
Miles to go: 1629 miles til 2012

Odometer: Road: 12100
Cross: 104.6


Willow City Loop

The wild flowers are out, the wild flowers ae out!

So, KPT, Victor & I went to Willow City to check them out.

La Victoria for breakfast, then off the WCLoop. Windy & cloudy day, but the flowers were out so all was good. They were so pretty and the fragrance was incredible.

After our ride, which I'm proud to say I made it up the hill without stopping (last time I stopped 2-3 times) we went to the "Knot in the Loop" for beers & burgers.

Miles for this ride: 25.7
Minutes on the bike: 131
Miles so far for the week: 25.7
Total miles for the month: for March 69.86
Total miles for 2012: 340.49
Miles to go: 1672 miles til 2012

Odometer: Road: 12057
Cross: 104.6


February & year stats

Finished off February w/ a ride into work, my first ride on Feb 29 that I can recall.

Final Stats for the end of February:

Total miles for the month: for February: 110.32
Total miles for 2012: 265.62
Miles to go: 1746 miles til 2012
One way commuting trips: 10! (new record for Kim for February!
Total one way commuting trips: 16

Odometer: Road: 12003
Cross: 90.9