Record # of Flats

I finally got my first flat on the cross bike. I made the decision to GeoCache on the way home, trying to get  all of the Moon Tower Caches. One was at Zilker, an easy stop on the way home. They had the road blocked off for the summer musical so I hopped the curb & rode on the grass for a bit, then hopped another curb and onto the Moon Tower, it was at the Moon Tower that I realized I had grassburrs in my tire! Time to change the tire, after I find the cache & take my picture. Once the back tire was changed, the front started going  flat. Since I didn't have another tube, I added some air & prayed. And in true Kim fashion, I rode to the next cache on 12th & Windsor. Searched 7 searched and DNF. I'm a good looker poor finder as Alison would say. Add a bit more air to the front tire then off I go.

Next day, buy 2 more tubes & another liner. I for some reason attempted to patch the tube...after 5 patches I gave up when it went flat again. :-(

Front tire only had 3 holes, but I knew how it would play out if I patched them, so I didn't. Come Wedsday, the back tire was flat again. Took out the tube, couldn't find a hole, struggled to put the tube back in & it wouldn't air up. Time to throw in the towel. Next morning I t ook the wheel to the new bike shop in Westlake (Wheels in Motion). At lunch my tire was fixed. Only $12.50. Not bad, considering tubes are $5.00 and he, too, had a hard time putting the tire back on. Here's to no flats on the Katy trail, condsidering this was my first flat since I've owned this bike, not too bad and now there is a liner that will hopefully prevent more flats!
On a bummer to me note, I didn't notice the computer wasn'tworking on the way home from Zilker, so the odometer is now 5 miles off, oh well.

Total miles for the month of July so far: 69.34
Total miles for 2012: 1275.17
Miles to go: 806.17 miles til 2012
One way commuting trips: 2
Total for the year one way commuting trips: 46
Odometer: Road: 12599
Cross: 488.6


Great End of June Ride

Went on the Mamma Jamma Training ride on June 30th. Love the San Marcos ride, rolling hills & long stretches. Everything is falling into place as I'm stronger than I have been since 2007. How do I know? I lead a lot of the way, when I fell behind KPT & Victor I was able to catch up. Also rode in the big ring a bunch & never shifted to the granny ring. And in the end I averaged 15.1 mph (not aided by the wind!)

Total miles for the month of June: 272.46
Total miles for 2012: 1205.83
Miles to go: 806.17    miles til 2012
One way commuting trips: 9
Total for the year one way commuting trips: 44
Odometer: Road: 12572
Cross: 450.20