Bike Everyday in May 2013: last 11 days

Tried to slow it down this week to recover from last week.

May 22: Commute into work after a stop at MiV.
10 miles

May 23: Quick road bike ride in the morning, was supposed to be 30 mins of intervals, but I slept late.
1.53 miles

May 24: Beer run.  Which lead to the question if the Open Container law applies to bicycles. I found this online (cuz you know you can always trust the internet)
"Open container" means a bottle, can, or other receptacle that contains any amount of alcoholic beverage and that is open, that has been opened, that has a broken seal, or the contents of which are partially removed.
   (2) "Passenger area of a motor vehicle" means the area of a motor vehicle designed for the seating of the operator and passengers of the vehicle. The term does not include:
So, since there's not a motor on the bike, I guess it's ok unless you are drunk.
1.95 miles
 May 25: Errands by bike, went to Buck Moore for some more feed, then to HEB, sometime along the way, my Fitbit left me for good, we are now officially not in a relationship & won't be anytime soon.
6.61 miles

May 26: Road to JoLo's for a cookout. A carfree day, except for the carpool to the softball game.
6.12 miles

May 27: Rudy's to Rudy's via 360! What fun!

26.15 miles

May 28: ABCx ride! New people! And we saw Thong Man on a Bike! So cool that I have commuted to all but 1 or 2 rides this year!
16.2 miles

May 29: Weak intervals. In my attempt to hit 200 calories for Humana Vitality, I got bored just pedaling, so I did some intervals. Heart Rate only got up to 160, but I think that's still good. I ended up going a little over34 min at an average of 11.5 mph for 337 calories, doing the math, I should be able to go for only 20 mins at 11.5 mph, so next week when I'm not on "Bike Everyday In May" Month, I can just do 20 mins or I can take a 30 min walk...
I should figure out a picture to ride.

6.29 miles

May 30: Commute home, the long way via Barton Springs to the Pfluger bridge then Shoal Creek trail. Pretty hard ride, I was pushing it for some reason.
Love the empowering feeling when taking the lane
10.62 miles

May 31: Commute into work after eating the last eclaire at MiV. The South winds were a killer today, but its also amazing how they keep you coo, cuz once they were at my back, I became hot & sweaty.
10.49 miles

Miles for these rides: see above
Miles for the 11 days: 87.49
Total miles for the month of May: 333.53 (30 more than 2012)
Total miles for 2013: 1024.11
Miles til 2013:  988.89  (below 1000 miles!)
One way commutes in May:14
Total one way commutes in 2013: 44 (6 more to 50, I'm going to have to step up my game to get to 100 before August...oh well, it might not happen)
Road: 13578
Cross: 2107.9
Cross: 614.46


Bike Everyday in May 2013: Week 3 update

And the rides keep increasing each week, but I think we are on a downward slide. 9 days left of May. An entire week on the cross bike, either running errands or commuting. So fun trying to figure out  the logistics.

May 15: Commuted home from work, but took a detour with the Ride of Silence. a ride to honor those cyclists who have died while cycling.
11.96 miles

LAB shirt for Wednesday.

May 16: Back into work. Nothing excited, which is always good for Rush hour  traffic.
9.96 miles
My new shirt from the Janczaks!

May17: Bike to work day. Read all about it here.
12.57 miles & 10.66 miles
My Katy Trail shirt

May 18: go by bike to volunteer & play. Read about 72 hours car free here.
12.03 miles

May 19:  Viva Streets & Grocery shopping by bike.
16.84 miles

May 20: Took a little break, couldn't commute home because of an 8 am appointment on the opposite side of town from work. But did manage to turn a 1.75 mile trip to the library into 5 miles, but that only took me to 8,000 steps (should have used the Humana Fit app) so later that night I had to tap the Fitbit over 500 times to get it to 10,000 steps so I could get my points for exercising for the day.
5.06 miles

May 21: Commuted to the Mamma Jamma Ride Kickoff Party at the Saengerunde Hall. On the way there, after climing to the top of the hill on Old Walsh Tarlton, I did my usall and flew down it, at the stop light, a lady pulls up next to me 7 rolled down her window ansd said, " You were going fast down that hill, I'm thinking easily 35 -40. " I shook my head yes and said, "Probably about 30, I like the adrenaline rush." Then I checked the bike computer and confirmed it was 30.5 mph, at which point she said, "You are braver than me." I just smiled.  After I cooled off and changed into my ABCx jersey, it was time to PARTY! Lots of fun with the photo booth sponsored by Kidfit-Tennis.  Special thanks to Larry for taking me & my bike home!
7.06 miles

Then I looked at someone's brochure and I'm on the back of it! Now the pressure is on as what to do for this years ride!

Miles for these rides: see above
Miles for the week: 75.48 over 70 miles of errands and commutes!
Total miles for the month of May:237.57
Total miles for 2013: 938.15
Miles til 2013:  1074.85  (got a long way to go, but it's getting smaller)
One way commutes in May so far:11
Total one way commutes in 2013: 43? so close to 50!
Road: 13550(I think it is stuck!)
Cross: 2038.4 (surpassed  2k!)
Road: 370.74
Cross: 546.06


72 + hours Car Free

Thursday night when I parked the car in the driveway, I wasn't 100% sure if I could go all weekend car free, but I did, and here's how it went.

Friday was bike to work day, so that made that day simple, but made it complex cuz I had to stop at 3 diff bike to work stations for a cold beer.

First stop Bicycle Sports Shop on S. Lamar
 Then on the LAB to get to Mellow Johnny's for another brew.
Rolling down LAB looking at downtown!

Made it to Mellows.

Grabbed the last beer & drank it for my friend Grenita.
Managed to kinda photo bom Fit City's pic.
Highlight had to be the man from New Zealand who walked 2 miles in the heat to see Mellow Johnny's. I should have talked to him some more.

Inside Mellows there was a poster that reminded me why I ride.

No up Rio Grande to Ozone's Party.

Great party, but the kegs were floating. :-(

I enjoyed the beer stops on the way home, but stopped at a convenience store to grab one for after I finished mowing the lawn. And yes I did shower and it felt great.

Saturday, I was assigned to work at the Austin Nature Center for 2 shifts 10-4, after that I had 2 somewhat downtown parties to attend. Thus it worked out well for riding, even though I'm going to miss my 12 miles of IRS volunteer deduction miles, the challenge was worth it.

Getting to ANC was no problem considering I ride by it on my commutes to work. At 3:20, I left for Gourdoughs on S. Lamar, I had never ridden

my bike on S. Lamar before, so I was up for the challenge. Only problem was it was uphill and against the wind! I arrived safely at Gourdoughs, and I was shocked that 2/3 of my travel up Lamar was in a bike lane, the other third I safely took the lane and had fun doing it!

Once at Gourdoughs, I met lots of new bike peoples and said goodbye to some special ones. What donut did I eat, you ask? Well, I had the Flying Pig and it was delicious!

A maple syrup icing covered donut with bacon!

Now it was time to fly down Lamar (going down Lamar was a lot more exhilarating than going up it! I think at one point I was keeping up with traffic.) and go to Bangers to meet up w some PYHOOYA folks.  Yuki & her girlfriend Justine were in town. Was great to drink beers w/ them and catch up.

I did get a ride home from Marilyn, kudos to her for bringing the bike rack
MB, Kim & Yuki

Sunday was Viva Streets on 6th street, a downtown street party with a focus on Bikes. I rode down and met up w/ Grenita, Angela & Dexter.

First up was to ride the bicycle merry go round. the latest creation from Austin Bike Zoo.
Wee! It doesn't get any better than this!

We formed a parade with the Minor Mishap Marching band.
Sat in the shade and listened to music while sipping a cold one.

A silk screening set up on a bike.

Finished of Sunday by shopping at Whole Foods and HEB, then cooked dinner & tutored, slept hard.
But what a fun 72 hours.

Miles for these rides: 10.66, 12.03 & 16.84
Total miles for the month of May:225.33
Total miles for 2013: 915.91
Miles til 2013:  1171.11  (got a long way to go, but it's getting smaller)
One way commutes in May so far: 10
Total one way commutes in 2013: 42 so close to 50!
Road: 13550
Cross: 2027
Road: 370.74
Cross: 533.94


bike2work day 2013 getting there

Bike to work day has become a pretty big deal in ATX, there is even a website with a map of the stations. www.biketoworkaustin.org

In the past I have either missed it (didn't know about it) or only biked 1 way & didn't bother to go to the stations. But this year I was determined to make it both ways, even after riding one way for the past 4 days of work. So by this afternoon, I will have commuted 60% of my work trips. Maybe I'll win something  from My Commute Solutions, maybe not, but it doesn't matter cuz the reward has been totally intrinsic and a little monetary, especially today when I was fed along the way.
It really has been amazing how much more energized I feel, and I've been excited to get up in the morning. I still drag my feet, but riding in to work gets me moving, or maybe its the thought of the MiV eclair?

My normal commute with the stop at MiV. 10.36 miles

Bike 2 work route--12.63 miles.

So this morning, as I turned onto Bull Creek I noticed a car with a New Jersey plate on it. I decided that it's been a while since I started a new license plate game, maybe I'll start one today, if not the June 1. Well, within 2 blocks I saw a Mississippi & Louisiana, thus game on. Now to remember them!

At the third light, a guy pulled up next to me. I  asked if he was biking to work , he said, " Now I am, I usually work at home on Fridays, so I got up, went for a little ride, turned around and NOW I'm biking to work"

Took the Shoal Creek hike & bike trail to Lamar & 29th

Finally made it to my first stop: Freewheeling. Ate a breakfast taco, mini muffin & drank some OJ.

Grabbed a bike to work messenger bag & trek water bottle.
 Then cruised thru campus & saw this...someone had a good night.

 Down the Rio Grande cycle track.

Say Cheese!

 Down Congress
 Stopped at the Movability Austin booth, ate a brownie.
 Then to the City Hall booth for some juice & a cliff bar.
 Now off to work with others after my eating buffet

My commuting & grocery trips so far this month.

On the way I saw the following plates: New Jersey, Mississippi, Louisiana, Illinois, South Carolina, Arkansas, Massachusetts, Colorado, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, North Carolina & Alabama.

Miles for this ride: 12.57
Total miles for the month of May: 185.8
Total miles for 2013: 876.38
Miles til 2013:  1171.11  (got a long way to go, but it's getting smaller)
One way commutes in May so far:9
Total one way commutes in 2013: 41 so close to 50!
Road: 13550
Cross: 1987.4 (almost to 2k!)
Road: 370.74
Cross: 494.4


Bike Everyday in May 2013: Week 2 update

Week 2 of Bike Month so far has included more miles than week 1, which wasn't hard to do considering I barely rode for 2 days in week 1.

May 8: Weds I rode home. Nothing exciting happened which I guess is good depending on your version of exciting. I did stop by the library to get a book. Stopped to take pics of the Mexican hats.
11.10 miles

Nice Phallic Phlower 
May 9: Rode back in on Thursday. I did get annoyed with a 'fellow' cyclist in a white with orange & blue kit who flew thru a stop sign on Jefferson. Think I yelled, "hello that was a stop sign." Hate how the 20% makes the remaining 80% look bad.
8.42 miles

May 10: On Friday, I ran an errand to Office Depot/Max or whatever it is during lunch.  Luckily I had a pair of shorts in the office, otherwise it would have been a hot trip! Took 11 mins to go 1.75 miles uphill and only 6.5 mins to come back, all downhill.
3.46 miles

No bike rack at Office Depot/Max, so I improvised.

May 11:  Saturday I signed up  to ride in ACA's Armadillo Ride. Kellie carpooled with me for the drive to South Dallas (aka Liberty Hill). It rained heavily Thursday, thus the parking lot (field next to the football stadium) was thick with mud. Walking back after picking up my packet, several people where trying different ways not to get their bike shoes muddy--leaving old  shoes in the parking lot, walking the long way and the most creative, possibly OCD was wearing gallon ziplock bags. By the time we were ready to ride Kellie was wishing she had thought of the ziplock bags. At first she couldn't clip in, so we sat for a minute while scraping mud off the cleats, I felt like I was shoeing a horse as she sat on the curb and I held her foot in the air & scraped. Then at each rest stop she had issues clipping back in.  I'd hear, "Damn it, dang it, darn, darn, ugh, *&($#@, dang it, Yay, I got one!" This went on for at least a mile after our first stop. I think we finally got them clean enough, so she could clip in!

getting the last of the mud off!
After the rest stop, in true Kellie & Kim fashion we missed the first turn (even ignored others yelling at us!) but we got to visit a thrift store and see the Bertram dinosaur.

Me at the Bertram dinosaur

a horrible closeup of the caterpillar

another horrible shot of the head of the dinosaur (I think I'm moving the camera too soon!)

By the end of the ride, we had meet several riders, invited 1 to ABCx, saw a rider down and an ambulance attending to the rider.  As Kellie said . " The Armadillo Hill Country ride was just what I needed! Perfect amount of hills to the 42 miles." Maybe a must do again this summer.
42.54 miles

May 11: Sunday, I  decided to go to Whole Foods and grocery shop.

Lots of bikes at WF

Kids "making" mother's day cards
Forgot a water bottle, so a cup of ice helped me get home.

I'm obsessed with getting stupid Humana Vitality points & was pissed when the Humana Fit app didn't resume when I asked it to. Thus I rode to HEB, too.
First time to carry a pineapple on the bike & it survived!
 I didn't 'pause' the app. Well, it turns out it's not about exercising for 30 mins, it's the calories,--you gotta burn 200, so I still got credit for the WF ride. But since you can only get points for 1 workout a day, HEB didn't matter. Then when I submitted my form for doing the Armadillo, I lied and said it was 61 miles thinking that would bump me up to 500 points, I should know to never lie, cuz I only got 350 points because you have to ride 62 miles to get the 500, fine details aren't my strong point lately, plus I did lie...and got caught in a funny way!
9.32 & 3.33 miles

May 13: Monday rode home from work. I really enjoy riding home from work, it's the 'to work' that I don't like.  Took Exposition home to change things up a bit. I finally found the flowers that are creating such a wonderful aroma in Austin that they make my nose run. According to Jeff they are "Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum Jasminoides)" 
Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum Jasminoides)
My Bike t-shirt for Monday (FreeWheeling--where I bought my road bike, sadly it is closing)
8.37 miles

May 14: Tuesday rode back in, going to MiV helps, but not much. Love the new art that is for sale at MiV.
Prices run from $120 and up

Tuesday's bike shirt Armadillo Hill Country Classic

 ABC rode again on Tuesday. I'll admit it was tough doing 2 rides in one day, I slept hard that night. ABCx was fun as usual. Couple of newbies who will fit in well. The evening ended with a few coming over to play pinball & drink beer. Perfect night: Bike, beer & buddies!
 9.96 miles & 12.51 miles


Miles for these rides: see above
Miles for the week:  109.01
Total miles for the month of May: 151.31
Total miles for 2013: 841.89
Miles til 2013:  1171.11  (got a long way to go, but it's getting smaller)
One way commutes in May so far: 6
Total one way commutes in 2013: 38 so close to 50!
Road: 13550
Cross: 1952.9 (almost to 2k!)
Road: 370.74
Cross: 459.92