Bike Everyday in May 2013: Week 3 update

And the rides keep increasing each week, but I think we are on a downward slide. 9 days left of May. An entire week on the cross bike, either running errands or commuting. So fun trying to figure out  the logistics.

May 15: Commuted home from work, but took a detour with the Ride of Silence. a ride to honor those cyclists who have died while cycling.
11.96 miles

LAB shirt for Wednesday.

May 16: Back into work. Nothing excited, which is always good for Rush hour  traffic.
9.96 miles
My new shirt from the Janczaks!

May17: Bike to work day. Read all about it here.
12.57 miles & 10.66 miles
My Katy Trail shirt

May 18: go by bike to volunteer & play. Read about 72 hours car free here.
12.03 miles

May 19:  Viva Streets & Grocery shopping by bike.
16.84 miles

May 20: Took a little break, couldn't commute home because of an 8 am appointment on the opposite side of town from work. But did manage to turn a 1.75 mile trip to the library into 5 miles, but that only took me to 8,000 steps (should have used the Humana Fit app) so later that night I had to tap the Fitbit over 500 times to get it to 10,000 steps so I could get my points for exercising for the day.
5.06 miles

May 21: Commuted to the Mamma Jamma Ride Kickoff Party at the Saengerunde Hall. On the way there, after climing to the top of the hill on Old Walsh Tarlton, I did my usall and flew down it, at the stop light, a lady pulls up next to me 7 rolled down her window ansd said, " You were going fast down that hill, I'm thinking easily 35 -40. " I shook my head yes and said, "Probably about 30, I like the adrenaline rush." Then I checked the bike computer and confirmed it was 30.5 mph, at which point she said, "You are braver than me." I just smiled.  After I cooled off and changed into my ABCx jersey, it was time to PARTY! Lots of fun with the photo booth sponsored by Kidfit-Tennis.  Special thanks to Larry for taking me & my bike home!
7.06 miles

Then I looked at someone's brochure and I'm on the back of it! Now the pressure is on as what to do for this years ride!

Miles for these rides: see above
Miles for the week: 75.48 over 70 miles of errands and commutes!
Total miles for the month of May:237.57
Total miles for 2013: 938.15
Miles til 2013:  1074.85  (got a long way to go, but it's getting smaller)
One way commutes in May so far:11
Total one way commutes in 2013: 43? so close to 50!
Road: 13550(I think it is stuck!)
Cross: 2038.4 (surpassed  2k!)
Road: 370.74
Cross: 546.06

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