Slow start to March

Having gone on vacation for the first 9 days in March has slowed me down a bit. First day back I had to do a ride, even though I was exhaused.. lost an hour due to time zone changes, then another hour cuz of daylight saving time, plus the hum of a car at 80 mph for 13 hours can wear you out. So I made sure I rode a bit, up to Far West & Murchison MS to watch MB play kickball, strong north wind all the way up there, but it sure felt good to get out on the bike. I decided to go grocery shopping, but I didn't have my bag since the bag ban started March 1. No prob, I'd just shop w the red basket then carry it out to the bike & load up the panniers. Well apparently others have been taking said red basket home & HEB on Far West wouldn't allow me to take it out of the store, so the sacker brought me a small cart instead, still a pain to roll it up over the curb to the bike rack. Will have to see what happens at the Allandale HEB.

My bike from/to work day this week fell on a Tuesday/Wednesday. I needed to run to Whole Foods so I decided to incorporate it into the bike home. Note to self, next time cross  the Mopac bridge and take Veterans to the Lance Armstrong Bikeway instead of riding on the hike n bike trail trying to get around groups walking 4-5 abreast (and these were guys, not women) plus, the kid on a bike coming at you head on can add a little stress to the bike ride. Guess sometimes you just have to ride on the trail so you know why you shouldn't.

The bike rack was full at Whole Foods, locked up the bike, took my bag inside (I think I'll keep a reuseable bag in the bottom of a pannier) & shopped.  WF has rearranged everything, AGAIN!!! Oh well, checked out & back on the bike, taking the trail along Lamar home &I pass 2 girls running and I hear one of them say "Is that Kim?" So I have to stop & it was Elizabeth & Jessica, out training for their 1/2 Marathon in Waco on March 23. We chatted for a bit, then I took off. By the skate park, it looks like COA is counting bikes on the trail as there were the rubber tubes across it, I should have run over it several times. There were also counters on the Johnson Creek trail today, good things are coming to Austin for bikes.

Looking at last years 'stats' I was on the bike only 6 times, so , I'm halfway there already, but 2 of those rides were over 30 miles....

Miles for this ride:7.26, 10.7 & 9.9
Total miles for the month of March:27.84
Total miles for 2013: 296.76
Miles  til 2013:  1716.24  (got a long way to go)
One way commutes in March so far: 2
Total one way commutes in 2013:12
Road: 13303 poor thing is being neglected
Cross: 1665
Road: 124.70
Cross: 182.85 (accidentally reset it again, darn it...now I get to add 104 each time....I think)

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