Not much in November...so far..

It's almost halfway through November & I haven't been on the bike much at all. Took it easy for a week (no exercising at all), decided it was time for a ride while it was so gorgeous (highs in the 80's in November!!), so off for the recovery route I go. The recovery route is the Shoal Creek to Great Northern route from my house. It's the route I road numerous times post stroke. Instead of the normal route I did intervals, of course I forgot that heart rate monitor which is wonderful for intervals, but I still did the intervals & used my internal heart rate monitor as a guide. Every once in a while on that route I have flashbacks to using it as a rehab & then I realize how far I have come & what good shape I'm in, that always feels good.

 Then the time changed, so I decided to run a few days, since that was painful and the weather was beautiful, I decided to commute home & back to work.

I was a little hesitant because it was still the week of time change & drivers are crazy. I brought my big headlight to work & my new 'can you see me now yellow vest', then around noonish I realized I forgot the blinking light for on top of my head, the extra tail light, by reflective leg things & a water bottle. Water bottle was easily resolved, I used a disposable one that my office mate was going to recycle. The other I would just have to do without & ride more cautiously & defensively. I would take the Possum Trot route home, very limited traffic & leads to more lit streets that are used to cyclists being on the road.

Nothing dramatic happened on the ride home, like I figured would happen. Except, Once I opened the door to the house I realized I needed to head to the library to return a DVD that was due in 2 hours!  Nothing dramatic happened on the way in the next day, except the hills are still there!

Total miles for these rides:12.32, 8.73, 2.1, 10.11
Total miles for the month of October: 33.26
Total miles for 2012:2805.48
Miles to go:  -793.52  miles til 2012!!
Cross: 1349
Road: 13116
Notes: least amount of rides in 1 week since April.

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