already at 73

I'm already at 73 miles past 10K!
Completed the first bike home and to work of 2011 and it didn't rain!
For ABC, we did 10.5!
Then on Saturday, completed 31, the longest ride so far of 2011.
It was been very windy in Austin lately, not wanting to have to ride in the drops, I talked Kristen into driving South to start our ride, then once we were home, going back to pick up the car. I drove to P-ville where Kristen was dog sitting, picked her up and drove to Decker Lake. The Diva Dash was going on at Decker, so lots of people.
Wow! With the wind at your back you can go 20 mph without any effort! We followed part of the Danskin Route and they paved Lindig! it was so smooth! the skeet shooters were still there! After Manor we decided to head East for a bit! yes the wind was out of the SE and killed our average speed. Also came across a scary dog with teeth that decided to chase us for about 100 yards as the owner watched. Nice.
Riding with Kristen reminds me a lot of riding w D. She isn't afraid to take charge and knows how to operate MapMy Ride! It was only 21 from Decker to P-ville, but Kristen found an additional 10 miles so we would hit 30! By the time we got back to the house we ended at exactly 31!

Just a tad bit windy!
Miles for this ride: 31
Miles for the week: 73
Total miles for the month: 84
Total miles for 2011: 250
Miles to go: 1250 to hit 1500!
Roadkill: a fresh skunk in the middle of a one way bridge.

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