longest ride in 2013, so far

I had planned to ride in the EHCT (Easter Hill Country Tour) again this year until I looked at the calendar & every weekend in March had a major commitment, so I decided I needed to uncommit the EHCT on that weekend and ride the Salado Smokin Spokes ride up in Salado. Thankfully Kristen agreed to ride it, also! MiV for breakfast and they didn't receive an eclairs, so I had to 'settle' for a  chocolate glazed instead.
We found the park, went to go pick up our goody bag & number. There wasn't a number, instead we received a plastic band with the Salado Fire Dept info on it. The lady said we had to wear it to get food at the rest stops & so SAG would know we are on the  ride. Personally, I think I prefer the numbers, why? 1. less plastic; 2. nice memento 3. now there won't be a SSS number to line my coffin...even if it was a RoadID number. so instead I have a white w red plastic band on my gear shift in the car...wonder how long til it rots? The rest of the goody bag was interesting---jar grips w 911 on them, pens w 911 on them, flyers for other ride & other advertising literature. It looked like if we had arrived earlier we could have received a smoke detector.

All smiles before the ride...wonder what will happen at those hills?

At the start, 2 riders went down, I knew there was something different about this crowd. Then at one reststop we saw this? A folding stick that can be used for a kickstand? Makes me wonder how organized his house is, and yes it was a he.

At the first major turn I saw this sign, I don't think there was an arrow under it or a dash between the 57 & 70, but I'm probably wrong. I couldn't figure out what the sequence of numbers was for...it wasn't a phone number or an address, Kristen started laughing cuz I was commenting out loud and didn't know what it was. Can you figure it out?

In the end there were only 2 bad hills, the worst one being within the last 5 miles, uphill & against the wind. But it was nice to be able to do a 50 mile ride not having been on a "long" ride in a while.

fun fence in Salado

Miles for this ride: 50.03
Total miles for the month of March:157.83
Total miles for 2013: 426.75
Miles  til 2013:  1586.25  (got a long way to go)
One way commutes in March so far:6
Total one way commutes in 2013: 18
Road: 13327 
Cross: 1703
Road: 148.07
Cross: 221.32
why are my trips not adding up to 357, where is the error? ugh, if only I had not reset trip 2!!!

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