Mamma Jamma 2012

Livestrong & Mamma Jamma were similar rides, yet completely opposite & only a week apart!
Both were fundraising rides for cancer, MJ focuses more on breast cancer & serving local patients.
LS was held downtown while MJ was at a ranch in Georgetown.
LS had 4,000 participants, MJ had maybe 400.
LS has an organization running it, MJ is a homegrown grassroots effort.
But  the main difference had to be the temperature, it was 47 in Georgetown at the time of the start, probably 75 in Austin when LS started.

Beautiful sunrise to start the day! I finally saw one! I feel that when attending all these early morning rides, I have yet to see a beautiful sunrise, I was either driving west or it was cloudy.

The Chix met at our tent which was supplied by MJ for raising at least $10,000, we also received an ice chest full of beverages.

Kellie & Nancy decorated their helmets, we were set to ride!
The obnoxious riders w cable ties on their helmets!

The 70 milers took off at 8:00.Jerry, Maureen & Jonathan all were riding 70. I signed up for the 70, but decided to ride w the big group this year, I felt like I missed out on the fun last year by doing the century.

 So now it was time for the 45 milers to ride.

 Poor Pam's legs had to be cold, I told her they looked like my chickens when molting.

Right before we were about to leave, my dslr camera battery died, the backup wouldn't recharge, so I ended up carrying a dead camera the entire time, bummer cuz I wanted to take pics.
Ride Kellie & Leslie!

Ride Pam, Ride!

The fields were so yellow!

Before I knew it we were at the lunch rest stop, great Mardi Gras theme. We ate, stripped off a layer of clothing, then went on to finish the ride.

Dianne, Maggie & Pam at lunch.
Finally showing the 2012 colors!
Playing chicken w the photographer in the middle of the road.

I rode the last 22 miles w Grenita & Angela, getting to know them more & encouraging them through the hills & wind. I had to stop at least 4 times to adjust the camera bag.
 We skipped the last rest stop & ended up leap frogging some of the ABCxers.
Once at the finish we received our medals & hugs from friends, then waited for Pam to finish.
 Pam rode in to the applause of some of her high school friends who drove in to see her finish. Three years ago Pam was diagnosed with breast cancer, never did she imagine that she could ride her bike for 45 miles, but she did & she lived to talk about it. I'm thinking she'll be doing 70 next year!
Pam & her daughters.
What a smile!

After the ride we had a beer or 2 and soaked up some sun while eating BBQ, then one of the training ride leaders comes over to tell us she just got engaged! What a way to finish the day!
In all, Austin Bike Chix raised over $14,000 $19,000 (I just received an extremely generous donation!!I'm still in awe and thrilled at the support, you never know who you will meet) to help Central Texans cope w/ having breast cancer. Incredible work, team!

Total miles for this ride: 43.95
Total miles for the month of October: 437.71 (most this year)
Total miles for 2012: 2772.22
Miles to go:  -760.22  miles til 2012!!
Cross: 1328
Notes: longest road ride on the cross bike, yet.

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