my favorite in town ride

It had been a rainy cold start to New years in Austin, kinda unusual for us lately. ATx has been in a 3 year drought, so I've grown very accustomed to the sunshine, even if it is a cold day. And since I'm such a wuss for the cold I've been going to boot camp instead. Needless to say when I saw the forecast for SUN on Sunday I was excited, now to just find someone to ride with me!

Kellie to the rescue! I'm afraid I might have scared some others off because of the hill.  I hope they know if they can't get up the hill this time that there's always a next time & that I'll wait for them, I never leave people behind.

That got me to thinking about why I formed ABC, I was just getting over the stroke, but in somewhat of a dark place since I wasn't playing soccer & the Austin chapter of the Luna Chix wasn't going to happen. I had really enjoyed the Luna Chix, but there were many things wrong w it...were we wanting new cyclists or intermediates and if we were targeting beginners, why in the hell were the bike rides 20 miles long? For crying out loud, beginners can't just start w a 20 mile ride, they need to work up to the mileage. I still wanted a group to ride with, so I talked to some of the other Luna Chix peoples and they gave me ideas & helped at the beginning (need to figure out how to get others more committed to helping this summer). ABC was off & running. It took some guts to make those first  few web posts & hold the first few rides, but what a difference it has made in my life! I'm sure it took guts for some of them to show up, too. Hope ABC has made a difference in their life, too.

I figured I had 3 choices at that time. (1) continue living a blah life like I was (2) go on ACA rides and cycle alone (3) take a chance and develop something that I felt was needed in Austin. Yes it was a risk, but a risk I wanted to take, I had to do something, couldn't just sit around & be miserable anymore. By starting up ABC, it has brought so much friendship, joy & love into my life, of course there has been one incident of frustration, but I will soon be chuckling to that one.

If you don't like how things are going, you gotta do something to change it, or accept what is or not happening. With enough work, it's worth the risk.

Back to the ride.

It was cold in the shade and going against the wind, but perfect in the sun!
Since we would be in a canyon or neighborhoods, we would be avoiding the wind for the most part.

Stopped in the middle of the 360 downhill to take pics of the Christmas trees. I say I would have to agree that those who decorate them need to take the decorations down come January, or maybe someone needs to post yard signs or a banner for their business saying they cleaned up the trees? Good PR?

If you look behind me, you can see about 5 trees w decorations.

Old Spicewood was great as usual. winding rode w rolling hills and I think 7 water crossings.

Love that you can see all this "in town"

one of the crossings with a waterfall, decided to stop this time to take a pic

Out of the Canyon we had to head UP to go anywhere, maybe one day I'll ride Old Spicewood the other way to avoid the hill. Ride thru the golf course area then to the convenience store for a break. The lady inside buying beer was impressed we were going 30 miles.

Love this pic that Kellie took.

Ride back was easy, wind at our backs and mostly downhill. we did decide that taking the lane at 183
& 360 was safer than the bike path they have.

Great second ride of the year!

Miles for this ride: 32.21
Total miles for the month of January:  39.22
Total miles for 2013: 39.22
Miles  til 2013: 1973.78 (got a long way to go)
One way commutes in January: 0
Total one way commutes:0
Road: 13211
Cross: 1488.7
Cross: 7.01

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