Ride to 3k.... well almost...

December 30, 2 more days til 2013, 46 degrees, cloudy, 17.5 miles away from 3000 miles for 2012. Time to bundle up & get this over with.

Short-sleeve jersey, arm warmers, capri pants & leg warmers, Alaska socks (cuz they are the longest & it only seems appropriate to wear Alaska socks when it's cold) thicker yellow long-sleeve jersey, CYSMNY thin jacket, long fingered gloveds and my ear bra. Finally located the $18 ear bra I bought last year, good thing cuz I was getting annoyed I spent $18 on a 99 cent academy item, but it's thinner, has ear flaps and best of all a hole for my ponytail to go thru. All in all, it is my favorite ear warmer to wear when I bike and I'm getting over the fact that I paid $18 for it, mostly cuz I used a gift card, isn't that what gift cards are for to buy you something you probably wouldn't buy yourself.

So, I left the house, headed south on Shoal Creek, trying to figure out how to do 17.5 miles, so I made the decision to ride towards Enfield to add the extra 17.5 miles to the normal 10 mile SC loop (now I just realized riding to NW park, do the SC loop& back home is about 15-16). Once at the place where I jump the curb & enter the off ramp (still not sure if this is legal (probably not) I decided to search for another way to cross Windsor. Turns out, there isn't. Maybe those MoPac Improvements will come soon, heard a rumor this is to be fixed so it is legal for cyclists to continue on Jefferson to Hartford, without jumping the curb.

So I turned around & headed back to SC. Rode all the way up to 183, once back in the hood I was at 16.5, so another lap around the block before I headed to my house, ended at 17.55.

cool clouds on the way home 

Still can't believe I made it 3000 miles.

Fun mathy ride tid bits:
Shortest ride: 1.38 miles to get a beer during Bike Month (May)
Longest Ride: 66..02 Livestrong Challenge in October
2nd Longest was Day 4 on the Katy trail at 55.97 miles
Average miles per ride: 14.31

Month with the most miles: October 437.71
Month with least miles: November: 95.29
Average miles per month:  250
Month with least number of rides: March (6)
Month with most rides: May (31)

And a big OH SHIT!! I just added up the miles by the month & only got 2807...I guess I didn't hit that 3K after all, unless you round. Now to find the error in the xls..

Well that just decided my biking goal for 2013...not really, it is stil 2013 miles but with 100 one way commuting trips. One year, I will actually hit 3000 miles & I will accurately keep track of my miles. Looks like the error occurred day 4 in Katy the day I was sick with pink eye and possibly the day the copy & paste function quit working on the app.
2800 is stilla PR. Oh well, its not the end of the world & like I said, if I round up to the nearest thousand I did hit 3000 miles!

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